In order to maximise the life of your engine, save yourself money in car repair fees and help minimise vehicular pollution, regular oil changes should be an essential part of your car servicing.

We often see vehicles that have been on dealer offered long service intervals i.e. 12month or 15000kms, that present with, oil leaks, oil burning and premature engine problems.

This one size fits all approach, may not be the best for your vehicle because many and varied driving habits have different servicing needs.

Vehicles that travel short distances over long periods of time require a shorter service interval than vehicles that travel longer distances.

Servicing your vehicle at 10000km or 6 monthly intervals (WHICHEVER COMES FIRST) is best for most vehicles.

Talk to us about your driving habits so we can help tailor your service needs.

For further information, read the attached PDF.

Car Service Intervals